Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dear World,

    Ah! No better way to write a suicide letter than listening to "On The Nature Of Daylight" and enjoying some chips and salsa.
    I thought this day would come sooner, but alas, 'tis not the time to be sentimental.
However, I will miss the music in the air and the sweet scents of pastures and river pine-needles. The world was once a better place for me, but every great thing must wither up and die. I lack the motivation to be poetic so I'll get down to it:

~All my money goes to Hoh (I've owed him over the years)
~Arina will get my ratties
~My Cannabis will be given to Trvor and Gleaon (To be disposed of, of course!)
~Bal shall inherit my room
~Dom shall inherit my guitars
~Please take care of Aiana, she'll need the most love and support

^^^That's probably good enough

Well I'm sad now. This is the real me. This is my only honest writing. It feels so good to be free.

So Fucking good!

What I have learned in my short pathetic life:
~All you need is love
~Lying isn't a thing
~Jesus doesn't give a shit
~Society is a sick fuck
~Music is alive

Goodbye Now.
Sleep tight, and don't let the
Priests Bite!

1 comment:

  1. The will is a great idea. I've thought about having students write their last will and testament. And their obituary. And their eulogy.

    But perhaps that's too morbid.

    This was morbid.

    Thank you for telling me that you're not really suicidal and that I don't need to contact the principal.

    I won't.
